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Archief voor 10/09/2010

Sims 3 Na Middernacht Gameplay Screens


Bron: SimsDomination

SimCookie: Sims 3 Na Middernacht Preview

Onze franse collega’s van SimCookie zijn samen met nog enkele Franse fansites naar Parijs afgezakt voor een presentatie van De Sims 3 Na Middernacht en hebben er een preview over geschreven. Maar de preview was oorspronkelijk in het Frans maar Infinite Sims heeft het vertaald naar het Engels.

Preview : The Sims 3 Late Night

The game finally launched! The loading screen started with beautiful city scape, slowly turning and a night sky filled with stars.  Finally the loading finished! The main screen has remained unchanged, this is where I chose the Bridgeport neighborhood, which is the name of the new neighborhood. Bridgeport is a totally independent neighbourhood! The neighborhood is divided into two parts; the first part of the neighborhood covers downtown while the second part is a quieter suburburban area where people can pose as celebrities. I think BridgePort still looks a little like New York, with billboards and advertisements on the buildings, even though the developers said that there would be no advertising in the game. There are new areas, new life, new looks and new buildings! From what I saw from my time playing the game, the buildings were very different, it looks very nice!

Lees De Hele Preview

2 Nieuws Barnacle Bay Screens

Photobucket Photobucket

Bron: Sims 3 Nieuws